Back-Chaining: A teaching methodology, where the training of the chained behaviors occurs in reverse order. The final behavior is taught first, and the second-to-last behavior is added and taught next, and so forth.

For example: the very first behavior a back-chained 'live find' dog is taught: is to play with new humans (the reward). For a Stay-and-Bark, the second behavior would be to 'bark at a stranger' and then play. 

 : A teaching methodology, where the training of the chained behaviors occurs in reverse order. The final behavior is taught first, and the second-to-last behavior is added and taught next, and so forth.

For example: the very first behavior a back-chained "live find" dog is taught: is to play with new humans (the reward). For a Stay-and-Bark, the second behavior would be to "bark at a stranger" and then play. 


VSRDA Glossary

  • Fanning Plumes
    Fanning Plumes: When air hodls at the same elevation, without rising or falling. Occurs at night, and in valleys. Visualize the air like a thermocline.
  • Fumigating
    Fumigating: When scent from the source disperses evenly, and saturates the area. For example: a closed room.